Holy58: Open mic Night
This is for any & all creatives: so all of you! (:
We all have the gift of creativity and imagination that comes from Jesus. We want to use it to glorify Him, transform our community through creativity and be a heart of burning passion and creativity in The Valley. We want to spark imagination, connection and revelation of Christ.
How many of you can testify you have been inspired, moved, saved by Jesus? Well, how about if we could express to the world how He has touched our lives!
I get inspired daily from gazing at his work in nature, through prayer, through a song, or art.
Now, you will have the opportunity to put together your expression at this service … it can be your photographs, your art, a poem, a song, anything that has brought you closer to Jesus or tells the world about the works of Jesus.
Sign ups through our Instagram.. DM our holy58 Instagram account
Watch it online here: