Celebrate Keith Green’s Music & Message
JOIN US to celebrate Keith Green’s Music and Message. Melody Green & a few friends will share, also many videos of Keith singing & sharing his heart. Give God all the glory with the Houses of Light Worship Team with songs by Keith and Melody.
40 years is a biblical generation, and Keith has been in heaven for 40 years! It’s time to impact a New Generation with Keith’s soul stirring music and powerful messages about living for Jesus.
Come to be inspired afresh and to praise the Lord!
This event WILL NOT be livestreamed
Additional Information / Información adicional:
1- We have child care for ages from 2 1/2 to 11 / Tenemos cuidado para niños de 2 1/2 a 11.
2- We have a room assigned for mothers who are breastfeeding / Tenemos un cuarto asignado para mamás que están amamantando.
3. Parking: The ushers will give you instructions where to park. Estacionamiento: los servidores les darán instrucciones de dónde estacionarse.
For more information please call our office at 818-998-2931 or email us at contact@housesoflight.org
Para otras preguntas puede llamar a nuestra oficina al 818-998-2931 o escribirnos a contact@housesoflight.org